Karina Slipich

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Scam pattern

FAKE PROFLES. PayPerLetter scammer. Has multiple profiles, not just Ukraine dating sites, but also hook up sites for one night stands. Each profile has a different background story.IT IS A DIFFERENT GIRL WHO ANSWERS FROM PERSONAL EMAIL PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE. After 15 letters, I was given a "discount" from the site as well as her contact details. She avoided using private emails, using translation services as her reason. She would write 2-3 letters every day, knowing that I would open them. I became unemployed and asked to use emails. She would write once every 3 days, using internet access as her excuse. I checked profile on dating site where we met, and she was online every few hrs daily. When I asked about her other profiles, she said she had registered at multiple sites to increase her chances of meeting her love. At this point we were corresponding for a year. I had a company look up her email address and here is where it gets really interesting. Her email had a profile picture, and it is not the same woman. I confronted her once agin, and she has said that I am treating her very badly and she no longer wishes to have contact with me.

Oui c'est encore moi, j'ai

Oui c'est encore moi, j'ai vraiment pas de chance, pourtant je ne voulais pas m'accrocher à elle, à cause de son jeune âge, mais elle a bien réussi à m'avoir. Malheureusement je ne suis pas assez méfiant et j'y ai cru. Je ne suis pas arrivé à l'étape où je devrais sortir mon porte-feuille heureusement. Après 3mois de correspondances, j'avais décider d'aller la rejoindre. Elle avait déménagé de Kiev (que je savais) mais elle n'a jamais voulu me dire son nouveau domicile.. qu'elle ne savait pas quand elle allait y retourner, que ce n'était pas encore le bon moment.. bref nous avons sessé la correspondance.


She is currently active on

She is currently active on Charmdate.com.

slipyhkarina@rambler.ua is her new email
