Uliya Tomyilova

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  Après quelques semaines d'échanges de mails, environ 1/semaine, elle n'a pas internet ni le téléphone chez elle. Cela coute trop cher....( C'est déja gros comme une maison) Elle annonce qu'elle va venir en Europe. Mais elle a besoin de 350 euros...Evidemment. Pour payer le visa et les formalités administratives ...

Samples of her messages

Dearest Nicolas!
You make me happy! Each letter from you is like a present
for me as well as your pictures! Thank you, my honey!
I close my eyes and I see you in my arms. I would like to
spend the whole my life with you, and I'm sure one day
it will happen. This night I couldn't sleep, you were in my
dream and in my thoughts. In my dream I embraced you so hard
that could feel the beatings of your heart and you know what,
our hearts beat in one rhythm does that mean something?
Without you my life will be impossible! The darkness will
cover my life without you! When I don't hear from you I feel
impatience in my soul, in my skin, in my mind. when I dream
about you I can't sleep. I'm waiting for our meeting with
impatience, you appeared in my life like a bright gleam in
the end of a dark tunnel. You gave me the hope that one day
my life becomes a fairy dream. I see the light and I want to
run torwards it. I don't want you to be just my fancy I need
you real. I want to share my life with you, my laugh and tears,
to share all my emotions and feelings, my joy and pain. Would
you like to share your life with me? Will you let me love you,
kiss you, take care of you and make you happy? Please, let me
give you all my tenderness and my all my heart. When I look at
your pictures or read your letters I then close my eyes and
give freedom to my imagination: I always see you flying to me,
taking my hand, kissing me and saying that you will never let
me go and we are flying under the stars, through the continents,
around the Earth, around our own world, in love, only in love.
You're so great, so... I can't find the right word to say how
important you are to me, I can't find the words to express my
thoughts. I dream of you days and nights.
Yours forever!

 Je ne me suis pas fait


Je ne me suis pas fait avoir, j'ai senti le truc à 2 km. Mais je publie pour éviter à d'autres de se laisser pieger...


(Nessun oggetto)


(Nessun oggetto)


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