kristina abramova


Questa lista di truffatori russi vi permetterà di sfogliare i profili di migliaia di donne segnalate da noi o da uomini occidentali con la nostra moderazione. Chiamiamo questa lista "lista nera russa" perché il maggior numero di truffe di incontri proviene dalla Russia, anche se troverete anche profili di truffatori provenienti da Ucraina, Bielorussia, Kazakistan, Kirghizistan e altri Paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica (FSU).



La maggior parte dei profili presenti nell'elenco sono identità false utilizzate dai truffatori di storie d'amore.

Alcuni profili sono misti, con foto false rubate dai social media e nomi e cognomi reali appartenenti a donne reali che vengono ingaggiate dai truffatori per ricevere trasferimenti internazionali di denaro fornendo le loro informazioni bancarie.

La parte più piccola dell'elenco delle truffatrici russe è costituita da donne che utilizzano le loro identità autentiche e legittime per truffare gli uomini.

Si tratta di professioniste o di principianti nel settore delle truffe amorose.



La nostra lista di nomi di truffatori di siti di incontri vi permette di effettuare una ricerca per nome e cognome della donna o per campioni di messaggi.

È anche possibile effettuare la ricerca per immagini di truffatrici di siti di incontri. Se la ricerca non dà risultati, potete contattarci e faremo una ricerca estesa e gratuita per voi.


Puoi segnalare una truffa di incontri aggiungendo il profilo della ragazza che ti ha truffato a una nuova pagina di truffa di incontri.

Basta aprire il link Aggiungi una truffa ed effettuare il login per poter segnalare una truffatrice di incontri.



No, se non avete trovato la donna da verificare nella nostra lista nera, non significa che non sia una truffatrice.

Non appena il profilo della truffatrice viene segnalato in questa lista, diminuisce immediatamente la percentuale di successo dei truffatori, che devono quindi creare un'altra identità per poter ricominciare il ciclo di truffe.

Ciò significa che avete le maggiori possibilità di trovare la ragazza che volete controllare tra i profili più recenti e più popolari elencati nella nostra lista di nomi di truffatori di incontri.

Ciò significa anche che se si tratta di un'identità truffaldina creata di recente o se si tratta di una donna reale proveniente dall'Ucraina, dalla Russia, dal Kazakistan o da un altro paese dell'FSU, potrete ottenere tutte le informazioni su di lei nella pagina di controllo dei precedenti. Forniamo controlli sull'identità e sul background gratuitamente.

Se non hai trovato la ragazza che stai controllando nella sezione nomi della lista nera russa, puoi andare alla pagina di controllo dell'identità e del background controllare pagina, oppure puoi contattare il nostro agente direttamente alla pagina di contatto e lei farà un controllo manuale nella nostra lista nera di truffatori da Russia, Ucraina, Bielorussia, Kazakistan e altri paesi e se la ragazza che stai cercando non è elencata, farà la verifica dell'identità e del profilo Facebook di questa donna.

pervomaisk makushkina street 1a zip 93200
Email or
Modello truffa

uses war to get money

dont give any money and her

dont give any money and her promises. guarantee you will lose it.



From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 12:41:00 AM
To: dean
Subject: your woman Kristina


Hello,  my  dearest  Dean! Sorry for not
answering you yesterday but I
write  to  you  from  my  sister and yesterday we were
at home with my
daughter :) I hope that you had a good Christmas celebration. Did you?
:)  I  wish  we  could  communicate  more 
often,  but  I don't have a
smartphone.  If  you  want, we can try to chat a little in
telegram if
you  know  this  app.  It can be installed on a computer.
Just send me
your phone number.

Of course, I am sure about this trip! I want to be with you, I want to
visit  you  there  very  much and I am very happy to hear
that you are
ready to help me with the road expenses as a real man!!!

So,  sweetheart,  I  couldn't  sit  idle 
and  decided to start making
something  for  us to be together as soon as possible! I was told
first  of  all,  I need passport and when it's ready, I will
apply for
visa.   I   was  told  that  there 
are  two  options  for  making  an
international  passport: the cheaper variant costs 295$ and it will be
done  within  1  month.  Why  so 
expensive,  darling?  Because it's a
war-zone  and  they  will  send  my  papers 
to  Kiev and then back to
Pervomaisk  by  a courier. The road is very expensive because there
no  public  transport working here. Why to send the documents to
Because I am living in a place called LNR now, it's not Ukraine at the
moment  of war and there are no state Ukrainian organizations here and
the passport can't be done here. So, they send the documents to proper
departments where they do my passport and send it here. Moreover, they
do  everything  professionally  and  I don't need to do
anything. Also
there  is an option to pay 490$ and the passport will be done within 1
week.  But this is too expensive, darling, I realize this. Even a slow
option  is  rather  expensive but if you can help me with any of
options, I will be so thankful to you for this!!!!

I was thinking about it all and I see two options, honey:

1) I bring my daughter to the village where my parents and grandmother
live  now. It's rather safe there and they will look after her while I
will  go  to  you. We spend more time together and then decide
you want me and Anya move to you for longer (forever hopefully)

2)  We go to you together with Anya. Of course, I want Anya to go with
me,  meet you, spend more time altogether. But I don't know whether we
can  afford  this,  my dear Dean, because in this case we will
need to
apply  for  two  passports  as  now  due 
to  the laws, kids need this
passport too.

Honey,  just  be  honest with me. Please, tell me what you think
this  all,  tell  me  openly  what  we can afford
and what we can't. I
realize  that  money doesn't grow on trees and you work hard for it.
am  already  very thankful to you for willing to take care of the
expenses. Without you this meeting wouldn't be possible at all. I hope
that we will find the best solution and meet soon! I am thinking about
you every day and every night and can't wait to finally be with you in
real  life! For me this meeting is very important. I like you so much,
Dean,  and don't want us to write only letters! I want us to meet. So,
we  have to make the passport first and when it's ready, we will buy a
ticket  and fly to you :) But of course, first you have to think about
these  expenses,  whether  you  can  afford this. I
don't want to be a
burden for you!

Wishing you a wonderful day and waiting for your answer impatiently!




From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 12:41:00 AM
To: dean 
Subject: your woman Kristina


Hello,  my  dearest  Dean! Sorry for not
answering you yesterday but I
write  to  you  from  my  sister and yesterday we were
at home with my
daughter :) I hope that you had a good Christmas celebration. Did you?
:)  I  wish  we  could  communicate  more 
often,  but  I don't have a
smartphone.  If  you  want, we can try to chat a little in
telegram if
you  know  this  app.  It can be installed on a computer.
Just send me
your phone number.

Of course, I am sure about this trip! I want to be with you, I want to
visit  you  there  very  much and I am very happy to hear
that you are
ready to help me with the road expenses as a real man!!!

So,  sweetheart,  I  couldn't  sit  idle 
and  decided to start making
something  for  us to be together as soon as possible! I was told
first  of  all,  I need passport and when it's ready, I will
apply for
visa.   I   was  told  that  there 
are  two  options  for  making  an
international  passport: the cheaper variant costs 295$ and it will be
done  within  1  month.  Why  so 
expensive,  darling?  Because it's a
war-zone  and  they  will  send  my  papers 
to  Kiev and then back to
Pervomaisk  by  a courier. The road is very expensive because there
no  public  transport working here. Why to send the documents to
Because I am living in a place called LNR now, it's not Ukraine at the
moment  of war and there are no state Ukrainian organizations here and
the passport can't be done here. So, they send the documents to proper
departments where they do my passport and send it here. Moreover, they
do  everything  professionally  and  I don't need to do
anything. Also
there  is an option to pay 490$ and the passport will be done within 1
week.  But this is too expensive, darling, I realize this. Even a slow
option  is  rather  expensive but if you can help me with any of
options, I will be so thankful to you for this!!!!

I was thinking about it all and I see two options, honey:

1) I bring my daughter to the village where my parents and grandmother
live  now. It's rather safe there and they will look after her while I
will  go  to  you. We spend more time together and then decide
you want me and Anya move to you for longer (forever hopefully)

2)  We go to you together with Anya. Of course, I want Anya to go with
me,  meet you, spend more time altogether. But I don't know whether we
can  afford  this,  my dear Dean, because in this case we will
need to
apply  for  two  passports  as  now  due 
to  the laws, kids need this
passport too.

Honey,  just  be  honest with me. Please, tell me what you think
this  all,  tell  me  openly  what  we can afford
and what we can't. I
realize  that  money doesn't grow on trees and you work hard for it.
am  already  very thankful to you for willing to take care of the
expenses. Without you this meeting wouldn't be possible at all. I hope
that we will find the best solution and meet soon! I am thinking about
you every day and every night and can't wait to finally be with you in
real  life! For me this meeting is very important. I like you so much,
Dean,  and don't want us to write only letters! I want us to meet. So,
we  have to make the passport first and when it's ready, we will buy a
ticket  and fly to you :) But of course, first you have to think about
these  expenses,  whether  you  can  afford this. I
don't want to be a
burden for you!

Wishing you a wonderful day and waiting for your answer impatiently!

