Natalya Glory


Questa lista di truffatori russi vi permetterà di sfogliare i profili di migliaia di donne segnalate da noi o da uomini occidentali con la nostra moderazione. Chiamiamo questa lista "lista nera russa" perché il maggior numero di truffe di incontri proviene dalla Russia, anche se troverete anche profili di truffatori provenienti da Ucraina, Bielorussia, Kazakistan, Kirghizistan e altri Paesi dell'ex Unione Sovietica (FSU).



La maggior parte dei profili presenti nell'elenco sono identità false utilizzate dai truffatori di storie d'amore.

Alcuni profili sono misti, con foto false rubate dai social media e nomi e cognomi reali appartenenti a donne reali che vengono ingaggiate dai truffatori per ricevere trasferimenti internazionali di denaro fornendo le loro informazioni bancarie.

La parte più piccola dell'elenco delle truffatrici russe è costituita da donne che utilizzano le loro identità autentiche e legittime per truffare gli uomini.

Si tratta di professioniste o di principianti nel settore delle truffe amorose.



La nostra lista di nomi di truffatori di siti di incontri vi permette di effettuare una ricerca per nome e cognome della donna o per campioni di messaggi.

È anche possibile effettuare la ricerca per immagini di truffatrici di siti di incontri. Se la ricerca non dà risultati, potete contattarci e faremo una ricerca estesa e gratuita per voi.


Puoi segnalare una truffa di incontri aggiungendo il profilo della ragazza che ti ha truffato a una nuova pagina di truffa di incontri.

Basta aprire il link Aggiungi una truffa ed effettuare il login per poter segnalare una truffatrice di incontri.



No, se non avete trovato la donna da verificare nella nostra lista nera, non significa che non sia una truffatrice.

Non appena il profilo della truffatrice viene segnalato in questa lista, diminuisce immediatamente la percentuale di successo dei truffatori, che devono quindi creare un'altra identità per poter ricominciare il ciclo di truffe.

Ciò significa che avete le maggiori possibilità di trovare la ragazza che volete controllare tra i profili più recenti e più popolari elencati nella nostra lista di nomi di truffatori di incontri.

Ciò significa anche che se si tratta di un'identità truffaldina creata di recente o se si tratta di una donna reale proveniente dall'Ucraina, dalla Russia, dal Kazakistan o da un altro paese dell'FSU, potrete ottenere tutte le informazioni su di lei nella pagina di controllo dei precedenti. Forniamo controlli sull'identità e sul background gratuitamente.

Se non hai trovato la ragazza che stai controllando nella sezione nomi della lista nera russa, puoi andare alla pagina di controllo dell'identità e del background controllare pagina, oppure puoi contattare il nostro agente direttamente alla pagina di contatto e lei farà un controllo manuale nella nostra lista nera di truffatori da Russia, Ucraina, Bielorussia, Kazakistan e altri paesi e se la ragazza che stai cercando non è elencata, farà la verifica dell'identità e del profilo Facebook di questa donna.

Esempi dei suoi messaggi

Hello!!! I'm guessing that you do not leave my letter without attention and respond to my letter? I turned to online dating. To find the man for serious relationship. I am very pleased that we'll be with you and I will keep with you the correspondence and share photos. And learn about each other as much as possible. Rada you this? I wish that you were upfront with me and opened. I you choose from thousands of men from the dating site. I am now actively looking for a man who really wanted to have a serious relationship. I want to ask you that you wrote as much as possible about yourself.

In this letter I want to tell you about myself. My name is Natalya! I was born on April 29, 1982. My zodiac sign Taurus! My religion is Christian. My height 178 cm, weight 60 kg. I am from Russia. I live in a small city called Togliatti. It is very beautiful nature, clean air, beautiful romantic places that are very pleased with the soul. My friends say I'm simple, open, kind, beautiful, attractive and cheerful girl. My favorite color - green, green is the color of nature. Music I like different, but mostly I listen to classical, pop, and some foreign artists. I also really love the music of 80 years. This music is very inspiring and relaxing the human spirit. I have a college education. I graduated from Polytechnic University with a "Seller" comprehensive scope. 

What education do you have? What can you tell me about yourself? I hope that you will be able to make a story for me and write about myself as much as possible and in more detail how I did it now. Do you understand me?

I want to ask you what you are looking for a long time the girl on the Internet? And you're long correspondence with the girls on the internet. 

I have never been married and I have no children. And as for cigarettes. I do not smoke. And not when I do not want to get involved with cigarettes. And I'm also not fond of alcoholic beverages. I only drink wine and feast of champagne. I only eating 1-2 cups. And it happens very rarely. Do you drink alcohol or smoke? 

Tell me please, what I tell you at first glance? I hope that I'm interested in you? And the very first you react to our correspondence seriously. Okay?

I want to ask you if you of following me in a letter left your phone number. I was able to give you a call and hear his voice. 

I am sending you my letter, and as I will be waiting for your photos. I hope you have a good day today. I'll wait for your answer. 

Yours Natalya. 

Allez on va rire un peu:A son

Allez on va rire un peu:

A son message j'ai répondu:


Et sa réponse (véridique!):

Hello! I was very pleased to receive your message! What is your mood? I hope that you will do well .... Why do you write so little? You do not have the time?? I wish that you would in my next letter, sent in their pictures. Whatever I had an idea about you. Understand!!! I would like to know you more .... Why do not you answer me my questions that I asked you in my last letter? I am very interested to know that ...
In the next letter you write to me as much as possible.
Looking'll wait for your answer.



Merci pour l'info, j'ai

Merci pour l'info, j'ai failli me faire avoir

je rajoute des photos d'elle ............ pour les prochains hommes qui se laisseront avoir .............

voici des infos sur elle :

Mon nom est Natalia

Je suis né le 29 avril 1982

Mon signe du zodiaque

Ma religion est chrétienne

Ma taille 178 cm

Poids 60 kg

Je suis de Russie

Je vis dans une petite ville appelée Togliatti

Je suis diplômé de l'Université polytechnique
avec un "vendeur" portée globale.

Je n'ai jamais été marié et je n'ai pas

Je ne fume pas



Incroyable, voila ce que j'ai

Incroyable, voila ce que j'ai repondu à son mail :

I have find your profile in a international scam site,

encore une arnaqueuse sur le net....................oubli moi et trouve un autre pigeon ....................


et voila ce qu'elle m'a repondu, avec une photo en plus :

Hello my dear ..........!

How are you doing, how is your day? How are things with you at work? I have so far so good, the day passes as well as all the others, in general, all is well. I would not like to praise themselves and than brag, but I do not why I will not conceal from you. And to tell you that I can do at home. In general, life is so much that I loved from childhood to cook. When my mom started that be cooking, I always been this much interest. And always wanted to help his mother. But I did not what did not work. But then with age came to me then felt that I myself learned to cook. And now I'm pretty good at cooking. And always in the food, I try to cook something new that I have not tried. I love to cook. My favorite food is potatoes with mushrooms and roasted meat with tomatoes. I also like a milkshake. Do you cook? What is your favorite food? How often do you cook for yourself at home? I'm in this concludes my letter. I wish you good day and excellent mood!I eagerly'll wait on you early reply!

I'll give you a lot for a lot of kisses! With great respect Natalya.

Rassurez-moi.........., elle n'est pas con au point de ne pas comprendre qu'elle est démasqué ??? LOL




voila ce que je lui ai envoyé

voila ce que je lui ai envoyé :

I have find your profile in a international scam site,

encore une arnaqueuse sur le net....................oubli moi et trouve un autre pigeon ....................


et voila ce qu'elle m'a repondu :

Hello my dear ........!

How are you doing, how is your day? How are things with you at work? I have so far so good, the day passes as well as all the others, in general, all is well.

I would not like to praise themselves and than brag, but I do not why I will not conceal from you. And to tell you that I can do at home. In general, life is so much that I loved from childhood to cook. When my mom started that be cooking, I always been this much interest. And always wanted to help his mother. But I did not what did not work. But then with age came to me then felt that I myself learned to cook. And now I'm pretty good at cooking. And always in the food, I try to cook something new that I have not tried. I love to cook. My favorite food is potatoes with mushrooms and roasted meat with tomatoes. I also like a milkshake. Do you cook? What is your favorite food? How often do you cook for yourself at home?

I'm in this concludes my letter. I wish you good day and excellent mood! I eagerly'll wait on you early reply! I'll give you a lot for a lot of kisses! With great respect Natalya.


Rassurze moi,................... elle n'est pas aussi con pour ne pas comprendre qu'elle est maintenant demasqué ? lol



Depuis que j'ai tracé son

Depuis que j'ai tracé son Address IP et que je lui ai demandé quel temps il fait à Yoshkar-Ola... Elle a disparu.

Faites gaffe c'est une arnaque!!
