Tatyana Belova/Onopko


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Mi ha detto di abitare a 09230 Rzhyshchiv (Ржищев, Украина, Киевская область)

Abbiamo cominciato a scriverci a metà marzo del 2020, lei mi ha contattato sul sito di incontri polacco (sympatia.pl), 

Lei mi ha detto che abita e lavora a 09230 Ржищев e che vive con il nonno perchè i suoi genitori vivono in un altra città di campagna.

Circa un mese fa abbiamo deciso di incontrarci nella sua città e lei ha trovato un appartamento da affittare tramite un Agenzia di viaggi nella sua città (http://traveleasy.kiev.ua/) 

Lei mi ha mandato delle foto di quel appartamento e mi ha detto di contattare questa agenzia, cosa che ho anche fatto.

Agenzia mi ha detto che questo appartamento era disponibile e che la Signorina Tatyana gli aveva già contattati. Cosi loro mi hanno mandato una mail dove dicevano che questo appartamento costava (from the 13 of July till the 20 of July for 330 USD or 300 €) Mi hanno detto che unico modo per pagare questo appartamento era tramite MoneyGram or Western Union or RiaMoneyTransfer. al nome di Svetlana Gudzhyl

A me sembrava molto strano che una Agenzia di viaggi non acetasse pagamenti tramite la carta di credito o sul posto in contatnti al momento del mio arrivo. Inoltre non riuscivo a trovare il loro indirizzo del loro ufficio (Rzhyshchiv, street Sadovaya, house 3), anche il fatto che di Tatyana non sapevo niente mi aveva fatto prendere la decisione di non andarci più e di non pagare niente !! Dopo essere stato in silenzio con Tatyanaper qualche giorno e dopo averla bloccata su WhatsApp lei mi ricontattò con dei sms chiedendomi perchè io non le scrivo più e perchè l'ho bloccata. Io le risposi che a me tutto questo sembra una truffa perchè di lei non so nemmeno il cognome e che l'indirizzo di quella agenzia non lo trovo su google maps. Lei prontamente mi ha detto che di cognome fa Onopko e mi ha mandato la foto della mappa dove questa agenzia di viaggi si trova (Rzhyshchiv, street Sadovaya, house 3). Cosi lei mi disse che le bastava chiedere e cosi io le ho creduto. E cosi abbiamo deciso che questa volta arriverò a Kiev il 24 Luglio 2020 (oggi) e che ripartivo il mercoledi 29 Luglio 2020 !! Mi sono rimesso in contatto con l'agenzia che mi ha scritto che l'appartamento era ancora disponibile che che per quel periodo costava 230 €. Io sono andato in agenzia ed ho inviato questi soldi tramite RiaMoneyTransfer al nome di Svetlana Gudzhyl. Ho già anche comprato i bigietti aerei. Ho mandato alla agenzia ucraina la copia del trasferimento di denaro per quel appartamento dopo di chè abbiamo stabilito con Tatyana che lei andava a prendere le chiavi del appartamento. L'agenzia Travel Easy mi ha confermato tutto questo. Dopo io ho mandato a Tatyana la copia dei miei biglietti per farle vedere che arriverò (questo è successo mercoledi 22 luglio). Giovedi 23 luglio Tatyana mi ha contattato tramite WhatsApp dicendomi che mi ha mandato una mail e di leggerla e diceva che il suo capo le aveva detto che lei con dei amici di lavoro devono andare a Minsk in Bielorussia e che tornerà il 28 luglio. Io e ho detto che non ce problema ma che deve riportare le chiavi in agenzia perchè io nella sua città ci voglio andare comunque visto che ho già pagato e che aspetterò il suo ritorno nel appartamento. Lei mi ha risposto che purtroppo non avrà più il tempo per andare in agenzia a riportare le chiavi, e mi smesse di scrivere dicendomi semplicemente di rimandare il mio viaggio. Dopo questo io ho contattato l'agenzia Travel Easy ed il Signor  (Manager) Yuriy mi ha risposto che io mi devo mettere d'accordo con Tatyana per le chiavi. Ho chiesto a Yuriy se almeno sanno come si chiama Tatyana di cognome visto che le hanno dato le chiavi ma loro mi hanno risposto di no, che non c'era bisogno di chiederle. Io gli ho scritto che andrò dalla polizia a denunciare tutto questo !! Dopo questo ho cominciato a fare ricerca in internet sul indirizzo email di tatyana ed ho scoperto che è una truffatrice già segnalata e cercata da diverse persone. So che attualmente tatyana è registrata sul sito di incontri lovoo.com (a dire la verità su quel sito è pieno di truffatrici che conosco). Tramite questo sito ho scoperto che tatyana è una truffatrice (https://datingscams.cc/scammer/profile/s28857#reports)

Beispiele ihrer Nachrichten


Honey hello!!
Adam, I have a bad...no... awful news!! Today my boss said me to signature the mandate of the official journey. He said that my colleagues and I have to go to Belarus in a business trip. We will go today and will come back on 28th of July. I am shocked, because I didn't expect that my work will interrupt our meeting. We tried to do all the best and I was sure that we will meet in any way!!! But this situation it is making me crazy!! Because now problems on my work appeared(( I tried to ask my boss not to go there because I have my own deals and that I am meeting with you!! I told that he had to inform me about this trip before, but he didn't want to hear me, he said that doesn't have another person to replace me and that I must go in anyway if I want to work here... I don't know what to do. To say that I am mad is like nothing to say!!! Now I understand that we will not meet this time((( I know that you are also mad reading this letter and I want to ask you forgiveness, but from the other hand it's not my fault and I am suffer as well as you because of this situation... Honey, please cancel your tickets and we will set up new meet date after I come back. I do not want you to be alone here in Ukraine!! I am really sorry sweetie...


Hi my love :*
Today, I have much better mood then it was on Friday!! I have slept well and tried to set myself on a positive wave of mood...Sorry darling that maybe I upset you with my previous letter, but I wasn't in a good mood...and I don't wanted to cheat you about this...I always want to be honest and sincere with you!!

And how do you feel yourself today?? I want to know that you are ok! That you are in good mood, that nothing bother you...for me this details of your everyday-life are important!! Distance keeps us far from each other...we should do our best to be closer to each other and share everything that is going in our lives at least here!!! What were you doing yesterday, my love? I had rather interesting evening, cause was cooking vareniki!! It is our typical Ukrainian dish...vareninki with potato or cabbage. I had prepared a great saucepan of this dish and then had a nice family supper with my grand dad. But don't worry, I haven't ate much...good figure above all!!) I want to be always good looking and slim for you. But if frankly speaking, I think that love to a person, doesn't changes if a person is changing in appearance...What is your opinion about this? By the way, darling I wanted to say, that our supper was quite good, but one person was absent there...you Adam! It would be so wonderful if you were there...But we are so far from each other and cannot even go for a supper together or enjoy good one film in with a popcorn(( But I hope that one day this obstacles will be changed...and on that day many new emotions will fill our lives!! I will be kissing your lips and I will sink into your arms...I cannot wait when only it will happen!! I wish it so so much to be in your arms....more then anything in the world!!! I love you much, my happiness and keep me informed about the keys!))

Forever yours sweetie girl! :*


Hello my love!!
Where you are Adam?
I was so much waiting for Tuesday to come to work and see your letter, but my email box is empty((
Where you are my sweet??? How is situation with our flat? You reserved?
Till your coming very little time is left and I do not have any news from you( Answer me please as soon as possible!!
Missing you too much!!
Yours beloved Tanya :love:


Hello Adam!
Are you ok? I can say that I am not in a happy mood today...I don't know what to say...I am so sad about the fact the you are so away from me...This distance...it is very hard. I think that beloved couple should meet often, should spend time together...enjoy simple things together...I mean not only going out somewhere and have fun all the time, but just something simple...watching tv at home with a cup of coffee and something delicious...visit friends in the evening together and have long walks through the city...but it is impossible for us now...unfortunately. I miss all these simple, but such needed for me things. I am woman, not a robot...I am trying always to be strong and do not take everything close to my heart...but it is unbearable...unbearable to be without you. And all this is suppresses me and makes me sad...

I want to cuddle up to you...to feel your breath...to feel your warmth...to find your loving words not only in a letter, but to hear them every day to my face... But we are too far from each other!! This distance keep us apart from each other and I even don't want to think, that we will never meet...All this is so difficult...I don't know...I love you so much, but it is hard for me...hard to know that today I will be again alone in my bed... but soon you will be here and at least this is making my mood a little bit better... honey, I live in small town, here is even no any Internet cafes, so we will see each other already during a meeting!) But my family lives in another town, you suggested that we go to visit them? By the way, we have the flat already?))

There will be long weekends and I will come back to work only on Tuesday... I will be missing you a lot!!
Have good weekends sweetie...


Good day my sweetheart!!
How is my sun?? Do you have good mood Adam? Me - yes)) I am at work today, as always...Summer is outside already, weather is hot and nice)) Soon we will enjoy that together!)) I am so excited about your coming sweetie! Good that you are in touch with agency and that you will solve soon issue with your flat. I cannot wait to enjoy that wonderful moments with you there together!! :love:

Today I had phone talk with my father and I can say that I was pleasantly surprised about it! We were talking with him about me and you...about our relationships and about our meeting!! Don't worry, everything was ok...He just wondered if everything is still the same in our relationships, if we have any conflicts and that we should avoid them, cause to build relationships in the distance is not very easy and we must save our feelings till the time when we meet. I was really glad to hear this words of support, cause always my dad is laconic, especially if it is about my relationships.
Sweetie, what are your plans for the evening? What are you going to do? I am planning to come home from the work and to do the cleaning in the house. And of course you will be in my thoughts, helping me...I am waiting that soon we will do it together. Will you?) :D :D

I am sending a great kiss to you!!
Hope you will receive it ;)
Forever yours Tatyana!! :*


Hello my love!
Are you ok? Me, yes! Today I have wonderful mood! The weather is good also. What mood do you have today? I guess, that my letters always makes it better, right?) My honey, I miss you so-so much!! Every day, I am dreaming of you...about our first meeting...I am just wondering what behavior we will have...what we will feel at this moment! I think we will be full of positive emotions; I even am sure in it!! I just imagining what passionate kisses we will have and ...mmmm....I want to feel your lips! And not only them ;) I want to learn the whole you, completely! About your soul I already know much, but I am sure that when we will meet, I will learn you more and more, my sexy-man :* I am glad that you like flat that I sent you, only I have confused all flats that agency showed me and sent you both. However available is only this one sweetie, but I like it a lot, very cozy and with Jacuzzi)) Here is email address of agency support@traveleasy.kiev.ua I already warned them that you will write there, so just tell that you are from Tatyana and solve all what is needed sweetie))

You know that love makes mysterious things in people’s lives...Do you agree with me?! Cause as you already know, I have changed much...since the time I have found you...And this fact glad me so much! I am working now and nothing interesting is not going on here...the most interesting things are going on in my head - I mean my thoughts :D :D I need you sooooo much...I am always waiting for the letter from you and cannot imagine my life without you now Adam!! Do you love me as much as I love you? How do you think? Also yes, it is needed to wear mask in public places, but in the street you can go without mask sweetie, so no worries, all will be good!)) I am very much excited about our meeting, my love!!

Miss you, my treasure!!


Good day to my sunshine!))
My dear Adam I am so happy to realize that soon I will be with you!! You know how strongly and exciting I'm waiting for our meeting, so I did not lose a minute to look for a cozy apartment for us and I found one! This is a one bedroom apartment with a very comfortable repair. With a well-equipped kitchen that will allow me to realize my culinary fantasies for you, I want you to remember your trip to me, not only beautiful, but also delicious! I'll get to your heart from another side :)) Also there is some very nice and romantic detail here.. It's bath!! I even cannot believe that dreams can come true... bath with my man, candles, fruits and champagne.. Oh, it's like in a movie!!)) Flat have all needed equipment for life! My darling, the price for 7 days will be 330$.

Since the township is small and there are few such apartments here, it is necessary to pay in advance. Because someone else can at any time to do it instead of us and I do not want that anything to spoil our first meeting! This is our moment, which will remain in our memory forever! The beginning of our fairy-tale love story)) 
I with great enthusiasm want to organize everything for your arrival, for me it's insanely pleasant efforts! I already told you that I can go to the airport to meet you, this will be freeing you from the stress of how to find Rzhishchev by your own and moreover not to go to my town alone)) Honey, direct public transportation between airport and my town is absent, so to be be in time to meet you, is needed to use taxi. A taxi from my city to the airport and back will be cost 60$, I tried to negotiate with the driver to pay for his services on arrival at the airport, but he kindly explained to me that they do not drive without payment to such long distances... But you can also get to Rzhishchev by your own and I'll be waiting for you in our lovely nest here :)
Honey, how I worry! I can not wait to be in your arms) I can not think of anything else..
I look forward to your reply!
I love you, Tanya.


Good day the best man in the world!!
How is your health? I am ok...I can say that I feel myself perfect, I am totally healthy and it cannot glad me, of course!! I am good physically, but I am not calm in moral aspect( And you guess why, right? I miss you...I need you...! Yes-yes, I am dreaming about the Teleport. You know what is it? It's a key for my happiness! Cause with help of it I could quickly replace myself exactly to you or vice versa I will bring you here...Where would you prefer me to be moved? Into your bed or in your shower? Mmmm....do you like this idea? I know that you do .... But we are in cruel reality now(( Unfortunately... but very soon you will be here and I am so happy about it!! I will take care about appartments on weekends and hope to find something nice for us!)) Mmmm, I am so excited about your coming :*

Honey, what did you had for breakfast? Something delicious? I would like to share my breakfast with you one day...+dinner and supper of course :D :D. I want to share with you everything what I have, I am not greedy girl ;) Seriously talking I am always shareing everything with you Adam. First of all it's my feelings to you and my daily routine, as usual. Now I am working and thinking of you, honey...this always makes my mood better! Cause you are a man whom I fall in love with, whom I am thinking all the time, with thoughts of whom I always fall asleep! Do you often think of me? Do I distract you from some important cases?? I think I do))) Ok, sweetie at this point I should stop, cause many customers came...

Love you, kiss you!!!
From best woman in the world


Hello my happiness!)
How are you today? I am great)) Hope you too!

Yesterday I came home from work, I was just lying on my bed and watched TV)) My window was open and suddenly from the neighborhood yard I have heard one song. And do you know what I have thought? About you my sweetie!))) It is called "I'm in sky"... Man is singing about how happy he is after a meeting his lady and he compares this feeling so as he is flying in the sky, because she is with him. And he is telling that her eyes always reminds him about his feeling and then he forgets about all the problems... his breath is getting harder like he is on a height. I really love this song... and now it reminds me about you my sun. I don't know what we will have in future, what our fellowship will bring us to... but this song remind me about you ;) :D

By the way, telling you about this song a brilliant idea came into my head. I have never asked you about your musical tastes, what music do you listen to? Have you ever been to the music concert that had a big impression on you??

I want to tell that I had such impression in my life. While I was a student, I lived in hostel, so I was a friend to many people, but my best friend was Ksenia. We were living together by the whole time of studying... and we were close for each other at that time. And once for my birthday she presented me tickets for a concert of one famous Ukrainian group that is called "Okean Elzy". By the way, much time later this group wrote a song that I told you about. I was so grateful to her. Because it was my first rock concert, and I was looking forward to the time when we will go there. And so the day X came. The event was happening on the city football stadium. I can't even describe you how many people came there to listen to this group. There was even no place for apple to fall. We were standing in the second fan-zone, just in front of the stage. We were waiting and waiting and waiting for it starts, because the concert began with a delay for 40 minutes, but it worth the waiting time.

When the lead singer came on the stage the whole stadium burst into applause. As soon as the musicians began to perform the songs one by one, my friend and I were in a state of euphoria. I cannot even describe in words about the atmosphere that was there. I was getting the emotions of joy and sadness and again happiness during the whole concert. First sad songs which were filled with sincerity were played. From such songs my eyes were filled with tears... then they were replaced by happy one's and it added even more drive to the concert. When the concert was finished all the audience did not want to diverge and begged the band to play encore. They heard our pleas and came out for an encore as much as 4 times!! I was infinitely happy at the moment, like other thousand people who were there. It was the best concert I've ever been to!! Unforgettable experience in my life. I was so grateful for Ksenia for such a great gift and for the fact that she had shared those emotions with me.
While I was sharing with you my impressions I caught myself on a thought that I would like to re-find myself there again... but with you, honey Adam.

Get my hugs and kisses,
your green eyes woman)


Gooooood day, my lovely Adam!

Today while I was going to work it was a wonderful weather. I was thinking about you, about our spiritual conversations and my mood was perfect. I wanted to come at work quick to see what wrote my sweetie today :) While I thought about it I saw a man in the distance and he seemed to be familiar. I strained my memory and try to remember who is this man... and I did it :) ! That man was my first love in my life... in kindergarten :) Did you had such kind of "first love"? Who was your first love?

Memories over me and I want to share it with you... I was 5 years old when my parents took me by hand and we came to some unknown for me building... and that was kindergarten. Firstly I was shocked about it: a strange woman, a lot of other children, a pile of toys and all this was in an unreal noise and mess. I did not cry - I just stood there and looked at it with my big green eyes. I was confused and didn't understand what to do... But suddenly one boy came up to me and began talk with me. He told me about this place is that this woman is very good, and almost all kids are friendly. But I was not reassured after those words... and that's why he promised not to let go of my hand for the whole day. I was really happy about it and like a real man - he kept his promise :) :D ! We were playing the whole day together and when my mother came to get me home... happened my first kisssss... I didn't expect this, just staying with my mom and he came to me and kissed me on the cheek.. I was very pleased, and embarrassed in the same time. I remember it as this was yesterday... I don't know why, I could not remember for example how I came to school or something like this, but this... my first kiss, I always remember and will never forget! So, at the next morning, when I came to the garten that boy - Zhenya gave me some candies. Since that he became my love :D Whether because of the candy, or just like that, I don't know)))
It lasted for a several month: in the morning-sweets, in the evening-kisses) Then he changed place of residence and our "relationships" was over... I was so upset I even cried :( Because at that time I thought that we will never leave each other and will be together ever and forever... you know, as a kids thinking)))) But after several years his family moved again to our town. That's why he came to study at my school. We hadn't have such a good communication like it was in the garden... just "hello-bye". But I didn't felt nervous about it, because "the love" had gone... and past was only past. That was my first love, about which I have remembered after a chance meeting this morning.... You asked what dog I would like to have? Just any.. I am not picky person and at all I like animals too much!!

Miss you,
Yours Tanya


Hello my darling Adam!
You know, I'm so accustomed to you during our communication. And I think it's wonderful that we have a lot what we can tell to each other... Also our conversations are becoming more... more closer maybe, I don't know how exactly to say, but with sure, that they are filled with understanding to each other. I am a bit surprised about it, because in fact you did nothing for this and now it's just a communication, but even with some of my friends, I'm not as close as with you, Adam... Maybe it's because sometimes something easier to write than to say... Or something else, I don't know, but I find this nice :) And one more time I am sorry about your family situation, if honestly I even do not know what to tell you.. just stay strong, maybe all will be changed for better!! But yes, without coronavirus life was much easier!! Hope that soon that disaster will be ended!! 

I love animals so much...and what about you??) When I was a small girl I always begged my mom and dad to buy me a dog. But my parents never agreed with me. They explained that it is very difficult to keep the dog in a flat. Because of the fact that I was still a small child and we could not have also a dog. She needs care... she needs walk, needs to be bathed and fed... as parents were working all the time, it would be very difficult to do. I agreed with them, but in my heart a hope about the dog haven't "died".

So the clock is ticking, we are getting older and new opportunities opens ahead us. Now as you can guess my childhood dream came true)) Once I was going home from school.. I was so tired that I did not want anything at all, I just wanted to come home an rest. When I passed by an old abandoned house, I heard a squeak... Since the beginning I thought that it seemed to me, but the sound was getting louder and louder. Then I decided to check what it was and go closer to this house and saw small puppy. It were so tiny and helpless.... I did not even have any doubts about taking to my house. Fortunately at that time we have already moved to our own house, so it was not a problem for me and my parents. I took them home, where he got milk and warm so didn't need anything else on that time. I was in seventh heaven happiness!! It was so cute when small lump was always near you in search of warmth and caring... But as time went on and soon funny lump turned into large dog, named Rick. I tried to teach him to execute commands and partly I did it..... but not so good as wanted :) He was not dangerous, but at the same time always protect our yard from unwanted guests. Rick always greeted me when I come from the school. Was wagging his tail waiting for something tasty. I tried to come home as soon as possible that to play with him in the yard. And in the hot time of the year he loved when I bathed him with cold water from the hose. Rick was really cool. I loved him a lot and he will always stay is my memories. I'm so grateful to God for that wonderful gift... just pity that one he got sick and passed away. But in anyway pets always bring good and positive emotions, even now it is so pleasant to remember that I had such a cute dog...

Sincerely Tanya


Hello my sweetie!)
Sometimes I cannot imagine good starting of the working day without your letter. You are like a sun in a cloudy day, that makes my day better and I become more kinder woman, who is smiling to the whole world :D And for that thanks to you... And how your day is going? I want to be sure that everything is ok))

You know, we are living in world that dictates us how to live... We are always in search of work, a place to live, people whom communicate to... In such a hurry we don't have time to think about our dreams. I think that people should divide plans and dreams, because planning something you adequately assess your real ability with your wishes... But dreams are something greater than wishes. It's a thing which makes you wake up every day and to do things that you don't want to do, because you believe that one day it will come true, despite all the troubles that life had prepared for you... and of course that is nice to discover world and maybe we really do that together one day?) Time will show us...

I have a dream. It is not so unique or even supernatural for not to come true. I am dreaming to have a big house near the sea. Not only a place to live in.. it must be a special place, where I will spend time with my family. I want it to be 2 floored and made from wood. It will be spacious but at the same time cozy to live house. My room will be on the second floor. I'll sleep on the huge couch of a light color. I'll decorate the biggest wall in the room with photographs of my family. It seems to be a usual one room, but very comfortable. I'll strive to make it as comfortable as possible. We will wake up every morning, breathing a fresh sea air enjoying time with each other. I understand that we could live in another place, because of work and different other facts... But it would be perfect to come to that house from time to time and just admire that calmness. I think that it will be a perfect place full of coziness, happiness and love. It will be a reflection of my preferences and desires.

Maybe for someone it could be just a wish that will come true next month or some ordinary thing... But for me it's a dream, which I want to come true one day! But dreams are only dreams... and here is reality... Every morning I wake up at from 6 to 6:30, what is hard to do, because I am an owl :) I like to sleep more and more and a bit more :) I am doing sports. I am running almost every morning, I always have a wish to do it more often but not always I have enough energy for it) And 3 times a week I go to a step aerobics. I love it, cause that lessons are very active and fun as well as strengthens for my health. I think that sport must not be separate from my life. After morning run - shower and breakfast, this is prepared sometimes by my grandfather, sometimes by me. A cup of coffee finally makes me to wake up. Then I start to get ready to work, I am doing make up, choosing what to wear.. As you remember I am working with people so I always need to look perfect because I am the face of our company. And then it's time to go to work. All the week I should work from 9.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m., but sometimes this time changes and it depends only on customers. The working day may be hard or easy from time to time, it also depends on visitors and unfortunately on their mood. And after working day I can go with my colleagues for a walk or just go home to relax by watching tv or just having a talk with my parents. And then it's time to sleep... the earlier I'll go to sleep - the better mood I will have tomorrow)

Adam we are talking about plenty of things, but I don't know exactly what are your doing every day? Maybe you have a schedule? :) Tell me about it, dear)) Also forgot to tell that your daughter is very beautiful!!



Hello my honey, Adam!)))

How is your mood? My is excellent) I hope yours too ;)  Thanks again for photo, I still remember them all from previous letter :) Have you any with your daughter? I would like to see)
You know, your letters make my days better!) Every day I wake up and go in a hurry to work to check if the letter from you had come) You know like in childhood, when my mom came from shop I always was running to her in search of something that she bought to me... The same situation is with you, I am running to my work place to turn on the computer in search of your letter. And what about you? :)

We live in such time, when it's not so easy to find a man... a true man... Looking at my past mistakes, I am thinking, why it's difficult to find... Because there are a lot of lie, treason, because values changed and sometimes it scares me a bit.. You don't know whom you can believe, and who will pass "a knife" in your back tomorrow.

Adam, my last relationships made me to lose faith in love and to close my the heart for new people... It was a very banal story. Several years after I finished university I have met "a love of all my life".. at that times I thought so (naive girl)(( His name was Tolya, he was older than me in 7 years, we made acquaintance at the local city park. Firstly I thought that we will made friendship and nothing more, but unfortunately for me, I was mistaken((( First time we were just a good friends, we were spending more and more days together and thus with time our "love" was started.. He always was kind, sympathetic and honest, as I thought. Sometimes he drove to work in another town, so from time to time we don't have an opportunity to meet every day. Once, when we were sitting at the local cafe unknown for me woman came and gave a slap into his face... I was shocked really and I asked what was going on.. It turned out my Tolya had relationships with me and with her at the same time. Without wasting any single minute I also gave a slap into his face and told that we are breaking up. He swore me not to do it, he promised that he will change, told that theirs relationships were a mistake.. but I was adamant. 
It was so painful.. Especially when you trust someone and then this person is just playing with you and your feelings... Thus my two-year relationship were ended. He betrayed me, he spat on my feelings... Of course I don't want that such situation happen someday again, but it's a life and it contains from black and white lines, from sincere and lie, from love and hate... I understand this very well, just because of my past experience I became more strong. My opinion about past is in the past and future is future! So live with thoughts that it can happen again and I will be betrayed again - it's not right!

So life is going on and I believe that it had prepared a plenty of wonderful moments that will happen maybe even very soon ;) Let's dream for a while... how you see yourself in a future or maybe you have some big plans or some dreams?

A lot of kisses,
Yours Tanya


Hi to you, Adam!
Dear, although I don't have an opportunity to communicate with you almost all day, but even those not often letters make my day)) I am always happy to receive your letter. I write you from work computer only, do not have Internet at home.

It was pleasure to know more about your family and how are your parents doing now? Everything is alright with them? I mean because of the coronavirus... hope that yes! Continue talking about myself I also want to tell you about people, whom I owe much to - it's my parents. So as you have understood, my family is not so big, it consists of my dad, my mom and me. My mom is Valentina - 59 years old, my dad is Alexey - 67 years old, they are both pensioners now. They are kind and pleasant people. As I have already told you my father was a car mechanic and my mom was working a nurse in the local hospital. Honestly speaking they are an example for me in "love things". The story of their love is sweet)) My mom was working several month after finishing college, she was only 18... My father was taken to hospital because of work accident. He even couldn't move... But familiarity with my mom and a great wish to live has made a big impact in his struggle for life. My dad has recovered soon, and in 2 month after hospital discharge my parents got married. So that is the way how an awful accident has led to a great happiness. So all that is happening in life, is happening for the better and leads to happiness.

I always feel the love of my parents and I love and respect them much. My father says that my mom is the most loving mother on the whole earth. And I am sure that it's true. But for every mother her child is the best, and every mom is most loving for her child. And I always wondered how love and passion does not leave their lifelong... When they are looking on each other with love in their eyes... with some "spark in the eyes", after so many years together, they still as in love in each other! Yes, they are perfect example of the family for me! By the way dear, now interesting to know... what about your last relationships? Really interesting to know how it was...?! Also I remember that you was curious to know about my dreams, I will take my time to think about this issue and then will tell you when I be ready)

I hope to get your answer soon ;))


Good day, Adam!)
How are you? How is your day? I hope everything is good)))

Yesterday I have had hardworking day, I was a little bit irritated.. but I found the way)) I went to bed early and now I'm full of energy + I've read your letter, so today everything is fine)) Thanks for your thoughts about living in Ukraine, so maybe in future something will be changed, time will show us... I have never been abroad. By the way, was funny to read that you are not a good dancer. Are dances most important thing in life?) I do not think so... for me that have no importance)) I also dance not as dancer :)

Speaking about life I can say that nothing can't be more important than family!!! Your parents, your relatives - these people are always near you in any situation. And no matter what happened they will be always on your side! Most of child memories are connected with them, because how your parents will bring you up, such person you will become in a future... I have had ordinary childhood, like millions children have. I think... no... I am sure that it was the greatest time in everyone's life! In childhood you don't have any problems, you just eat, sometimes eat ground)))) sleep, play with friends... Generally it was carefree time, when you didn't have to think about work, study, politics and social contacts) Its a pity that it had already over(( But these memories will be with you for all life.

When I was a small girl, most of my time I spend with her in village, cause my parents were working all the time. But sometimes parents took me to their work. It was really exciting when I came with my father at his work. He was working a car mechanic on a factory, and those huge cars, they impressed me all the time. Can you imagine me, small 5 years old girl sitting in an enormous big truck :) !? I was afraid and happy at the same time))) And one more thing I like most of all... all co-workers gave me chocolates and I always overate them like a small pig :) But really, most of all I liked my trips to my grandfather Taras. Bright memories from my childhood are connected with him.. I love him so much. When I grew up he became like a second father for me, we are too close... I always shared all my secrets with him (even my dad didn't know them) and every time I needed he gave me an advise... I am happy that I still have him in my life and appreciate very much all what he is doing in my life!!

Huhhh... This memories are very important and unforgettable.. thank you for listening it! I'm interested in you, in our communication.. and I would like to know everything, everything, everything about you)))

Dear, can you tell me something more about your parents, family? 
I hope to get your answer soon ;))

Sincerely, Tanya


Hi Adam.
How are you, dear? How is your day going? I am fine and can say that I am happy to get your letter))) And now, when you are reading this, hope you are not less glad than me :)) ...?!

I think that our communication seems to be positive experience for both of us ;) I am sorry about situation with your father and only hope that it will be solved for better, just in anyway you need to be strong and support him at least by phone in this situation. What about me...? I want to change my life... to turn upside down! Why... hmmmm... how to say....... in short - I am tired of this "life" in Ukraine and I want to change it and live somewhere else, but only not here! I think don't need to explain why and etc... cause I cannot explain what is life here. In normal countries people work and live for pleasure and here you are working for living! Its different things! So this wish appeared not today or yesterday... I thought about it after that when I finished university. Why I had to study if now I cannot find job by education?!! And nobody cares about these issues... Such issues like how you can live for a salary less than 200$... It's does not care anybody! And I understand very well that this will not change for one or several years... Every new government say that soon all will be "fine", but with every new one - nothing changes!!! Please don't think that I complain you or I need a shoulder in which I could cry))) No, no, no! I wanted to say shortly, about why I am looking a man in internet, but something went wrong :) and short answer became a bit bigger)) But Adam, don't think please that it's my goal to go or to live abroad, okay?!! Because my goal is to find self-confident man who will know what he want in life... And what will be then... maybe it will be just a short date, maybe travelling, maybe marriage... who knows... So in fact I am looking a real relationships and real meeting!!! It may begin from friendship and develop in something... something great that makes people slightly crazy :)

I strongly believe that its always possible to find something what you really want to find! And all that I have written above, is a reason why I am searching him in internet. I want to find a man who will change my life "turn upside down"!!!

And what about us..."us" it's sounds very loud I think :) I mean what I expect, need and wait from our communication... of course first of all only good and positive emotions... and what will be then... as already told, I don't know :) Maybe you will not write me back and "us" will be end here or will bring new, glorious relationships or maybe later we will leave each other after some time... or maybe otherwise, this communication will lead us to happy joint future. And who knows, maybe we will create a family... 

So we will see what will be the next step. All what I can promise you now - you will get the same emotions as you will give to me! Now I want to discover you more and more... And if you have the same view, then I would with pleasure know more about your childhood... Adam, what was it?
I expect to get your answer soon)
Wish you perfect day,


Hi Adam!
I'm glad that you write me and, of course, I like your photos... a bit)))) If seriously, you are handsome man. I believe that you are interesting person with a great soul. It's one of the main reasons why I hope we will know each other better soon) As for coronavirus, situation here is same as all over the world. But I do not think that it is a reason to keep silence...right? So here government restrictions and do everything possible so people would spend less time outside the house and do not gather is big groups for some events, that's why things like concerts, cinemas and etc are closed and cancelled. Shops are working and to work I also go... just hope that this disaster will be ended in near time...

I would like to tell you briefly about myself. So, my name is Tatyana or Tanya, I am 29 years old, I was born on the 30 of October, so autumn is my favorite season of the year :) I live in a small town in Kyiv region, which is called Rzhishchev, but my native city where is live my parents and where I born, it's Lelyaky. After finishing school I entered Dragomanov University in Kiev. The government had paid for my degree and that's why after my studies ended it was needed to work in town Rzhishchev. Fortunately my grandfather lives here and so I have place to live and my dear person nearby, with whom we live together till now in our small, but cozy house. I work at city district employment center. My job seems to be interesting, it gives me opportunities to communicate with different people and to discover something new. In my free time I love to do some sport activities and just relax by watching films after hard working day.

By the way, I am blonde hair woman with emerald green eyes. My colleagues says that I am hardworking person with gentle character and open heart, so I believe that its true ;)

Dear, I think I have already told you enough about myself for a first time)) What are you looking for here, why at Internet and what do you expect from our communication?

I am waiting for your answer.
Have a nice day)
With best wishes, Tanya



Thanks for your email address and I'm glad to communicate with you here. I think we will be able to know each other better and I hope you share this desire with me ;) So tell me about yourself please? And I hope you are not looking for someone with red color hair, who smokes and drinks)))) Despite the fact that cover does not show content...in any case I am not that girl)) You know, when people worry they start talking all sorts of nonsense...yes, I am a bit worry, so it is better not say anything now and will wait for your answer :)