Irina Zaluzak

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Heniches’k - Ucraina
Scam pattern

Irina Zaluzak is 19 years old, Ukrainian, says she lives in Heniches'k, contacted me on and then wanted to deepen our knowledge on telegram (@Ukraina192837). we didn't talk much because she connected in a few moments of the day and only to write a few things, she never really wanted to get to know me, I pointed out to her that we have a 35 year difference and she replied that she loved mature people. She actually just loved my money. It only took her three days to ask if she wanted to come live with me. I made her talk to see how far she would go. in the end she said that she would borrow the money from her brother to get her to Poland and from there to Italy. Coincidentally, the brother hadn't received his salary yet and asked me for them. At that point I asked her for a copy of her passport but unfortunately she didn't have it. I explained to her that without a passport she would not be able to go abroad but she promptly told me that she would get the passport in Kiev and send it to me. She's moral, she wanted 300 dollars at all costs which I didn't send her. She insisted and then gave up. Be careful!

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