Anna Pashouva, Annet


Esta lista de estafadores rusos le permitirá navegar por los perfiles de miles de mujeres denunciadas por nosotros o por hombres occidentales con nuestra moderación. Llamamos a esta lista "lista negra rusa" porque el mayor número de estafas de citas proviene de Rusia, aunque también encontrará perfiles de estafadores de Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Kazajstán, Kirguistán y otros países de la antigua Unión Soviética (FSU).



La mayor parte de los perfiles de la lista son identidades falsas utilizadas por estafadores románticos.

Algunos de los perfiles son mixtos, con fotos falsas robadas de las redes sociales, y nombres y apellidos reales pertenecientes a mujeres reales que son contratadas por los estafadores para recibir transferencias internacionales de dinero facilitando sus datos bancarios.

La parte más pequeña de la lista de estafadores rusos son mujeres que utilizan sus identidades auténticas y legítimas para timar a los hombres.

Se trata de profesionales de las citas o principiantes en el negocio de las estafas románticas.



Nuestra lista de nombres de estafadores de citas le permite buscar por nombre y apellido de la mujer o por muestras de mensajes.

También puede realizar la búsqueda por fotos de estafadoras en sitios de citas. Si su búsqueda no da ningún resultado, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros y le haremos la búsqueda ampliada gratuita.



Puedes denunciar una estafa de citas añadiendo el perfil de la chica que te ha estafado a una nueva página de estafas de citas.

Sólo tienes que abrir el enlace Añadir una estafa e iniciar sesión para poder denunciar a una estafadora de citas.



No, si no ha encontrado a la mujer a verificar en nuestra lista negra, no significa que no sea una estafadora.

Tan pronto como el perfil de la estafadora es marcado en esta lista, la tasa de éxito de los estafadores disminuye inmediatamente y entonces tienen que crear otra identidad con el fin de iniciar el ciclo de estafas de nuevo.

Esto significa que usted tiene la mejor oportunidad de encontrar a la chica que desea comprobar entre los últimos y más populares perfiles que figuran en nuestra lista de nombres de estafadores de citas.

También significa que si se trata de una identidad de estafa recién creada o si es una mujer real de Ucrania, Rusia, Kazajstán u otro país de la FSU, obtendrá toda la información sobre ella en la página de verificación de antecedentes. Proporcionamos identidad y verificación de antecedentes de forma gratuita.

Si no encuentra a la chica que busca en la sección de nombres de la lista negra rusa, puede ir a la página de verificación de identidad y antecedentes, o puede ponerse en contacto con nuestro agente directamente en la página de contacto y ella hará una verificación manual en nuestra lista negra de estafadores de Rusia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Kazajstán y otros países y si la chica que busca no está en la lista, ella hará la verificación de identidad y el perfil de Facebook de esta mujer.

Modelo de estafa

This lovely-like woman begins communication over the web-page asking you to write over the e-mail. After some 3 or 4 letters, in less than two weeks she "finds" herself terribly in love. As she (or they, the scammers), share more and more pictures and lovely letters, even a video where you can be called "my hero", but never pronounce your name, plans for a future in your country are common. She lives in Kazan, and works as a saleswoman in a famous store called "Love Republic". "Her" English and letters varies, sometimes is well written, as if somone actually knowing would write, some others are very different in style, and they or "she" never writes on weekends, as if it were a job, on weekdays. When "she" finds that you are inteersted, then she asks for money, for the airplane tickets to travel to meet you and be eternally in love. When money cannot be got by them, then all love finishes by ending suddenly the lovely letters.

Muestras de sus mensajes

Hello ________!!!
I’m glad that you write me. I haven’t got opportunities to be a long
time on this website. It’ll be better to communicate with the help of
e-mail. I want to know you more closer. What do you interested on? Do
you have a hobby? What are you searching in this web-site? Tell me
something about you. I want to see your photos.
A little about me: My name is Anna. I’m 26. I was born and live in
Kazan, Russia. Have you heard something about with city? Have you ever
been in Russia?
I have a lot of emotions, because I have never before acquainted and
talk with men from other country. It’s very interesting and
fascinatingly. Do you have familiars from Russia?
I’ll look forward your answer!
Your new friend, Anna.

 Hi, my dear ______!
I am very pleased to see again your letter in my e-mail. I went from
work; I was very tired for today. Your letter pleased me very much; I am
pleased to read it.
I am glad that our communication with you continues. I do not want to
stop. I am very pleased to communicate with you. I think you're exactly
the man with whom I want to continue correspondence.
I told you that the most important priorities in my life are my family,
and only long-term relationship. For me, my family will always come
first, and I hope that my man would respect me for it.
I really want to know about you as much as possible. I am glad that my
heart had not deceived me. I do not want to deceive you and I tell you
the truth, because I do not see the point, what would I deceive you. I
really want to find a worthy partner, with whom I can build long strong
family relationships.
Honestly, I live in the thought of you. I can imagine how things will
develop our communications. I imagine that in future we can meet up with
you. I hope that this will happen. In fact, I'm just in the clouds,
because I always think of you. I can not stop thinking about you. I
would like, I like to think about you. I can not sleep because I think
about you and me.
I want to ask you that you have to be honest with me. I want you tell me
the truth. I do not like lies. It seems to me that no one likes to be
deceived. So I always ask, what I would tell the truth. But,
unfortunately, very few people speak the truth in the eye. A lot of
people behind you can discuss, think of gossip. I really hate it. It
seems easier to avoid any conflicts when you tell a person's face, what
you think about it. I think that with you everything will be fine, I
think you and I did not even occur to such problems. You are my very
good friend, and every day is getting closer and dearer.
Yes! I want to ask you, do you like Russian kitchen? And what is your national dish?
Tell me, what is your weather now? And anyway, what the weather you have a year-round. I love nature.
 I've never been abroad, so I like to know what the weather there.
I would also be interesting to hear from you photos of your nature.
Thank you for a very long letter. It is very informative. I am very interested to read it and know you better.
I graduated from music school. It was a very long time.
Dear _____, on this I must finish my letter. I am very tired today.
I hope tomorrow again to see your letter.
With best wishes, Anna.

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