
First name
Iscritto a tagged da:23 Marzo, 2010
Posizione:New York, NY
Lingue:English, Français
Scam pattern

Messaggio: in tagged 

You have interested me also to me it would be desirable to learn you on more. If you not against will get acquainted further write to me on mine. Mail: it is simple at me a little here time to communicate!


Samples of her messages

Mesage in gmail after respons mesage of  tagged I am very surprised and so is glad, that you have responded on my letter! 
For me it is very big surprise, because you the first person with whom I communicate through the Internet... 
I for the first time on the Internet, for me this new! It not to compare to usual mail :). 
Because here all quickly and conveniently! But I still very badly understand it. :( 
My best girlfriend has advised to try to search for the man through the Internet. 
To it has very much carried, she has got acquainted with the man on the Internet! 
Now they live together 1 years and 3 months! Unfortunately, she has gone abroad. But We communicate with it. Ops.... 
I have distracted a little... :). We will not be about my girlfriend, let's speak about us better.
My true purpose consists in searching for serious relations. Because of it I also wished to get acquainted with you...
If you not against to continue our acquaintance We can tell more each other about ourselves?!
After all We can try?... Each person has a chance...
I send to you, the photos and I think, that they will like you! 


i 1000 nomi di Irina !!!  ha

i 1000 nomi di Irina !!!  ha più alias lei che Mr.Magoo

abile ammaliatrice che farebbe più soldi se scrivesse libri gialli.

giovanni balducci

Utilizza anche l'indirizzo

Utilizza anche l'indirizzo e-mail


je me suis fait arnaqué par

je me suis fait arnaqué par une certaine irina qui d'aprés ces propos elle est dentist et elle vie a odeesa en ukrain cette photo ressemble beaucoup aux phots qu'elle l'habitude de m'envoyer.


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